1. Blizzard Always

Visibility is one of the most important factors that characterize a diving experience. Typically, people prefer clearer and bluer waters, with visibility over 20 meters. Drifting through beautiful coral reefs while schools of sharks and eagle rays pass by is an unforgettable sight. As someone who loves macro photography, higher visibility also offers many benefits, making it easier to spot and capture fish.

However, when it comes to diving in Singapore, desiring more than 10 meters of visibility might be asking too much. In reality, you should expect less than 5 meters. Continuous marine snowfall, at times resembling a blizzard, settles on the coral, making photography complicated. Reflections from floating subjects often result in unclear images. While there are lighting techniques to mitigate this issue, they are not always effective. Now, I’d like to introduce one possible solution: the snoot.





2. Legal LSD solution

A snoot is one of the common lighting techniques. Unlike the wide-area lighting from strobe flashing, snooting provides focused light only on a limited range around the photographic subject. As a result, the spotlighted object becomes very distinctive, while other unnecessary elements are hidden in the background. It sounds like a good solution, doesn’t it?

So, I decided to purchase one named LSS (Light Shaping Device) from Slovenia. As expected, the package was stopped by customs, and I immediately paid a tax for clearance. Finally, it arrived at my doorstep. However, to my surprise, it turned out to be a bit of a crazy thing! It made my diving experience much more complicated than I had anticipated!


そういうわけで、ネット通販でLSD – Light Shaping Deviceという怪しい名前の器具をスロベニアから取り寄せた。その商品名の為だろうか、案の定税関で引っかかったが、幸い没収はされなかった。言われるがままにと関税を奉納し、手にしたその週末にはウキウキとして海に出かけたのである。あるが、撮影のシビアさに愕然とし、打ちのめされた!

When shooting an object with a 100mm macro lens, the size of the subject is normally less than 5cm, or around 1cm in most cases. Consequently, the depth of field becomes just a few millimeters, as is typical with macro photography. Underwater macro photographers are accustomed to controlling such challenges beneath the sea; it’s a normal part of our work. However, when using a snoot to focus on such a small object, we must additionally control a spotlight within a millimeter range. This aspect is incredibly difficult, to say the least. I experimented with these techniques in shallow waters and spent over 8 hours with 3 tanks. Unfortunately, most of the results were unsatisfactory, leading to hundreds of discarded photos. The images in this post are just samples from my test shooting; behind them lie countless rejected photos. It undoubtedly requires more effort and practice to adapt and refine the necessary skills.
