Scientific Name: Amblyeleotris periophthalmaEnglish Name: Black-spotted lagoon-gobyObserved in: Pulau Hantu, SentosaObserved Water Depth: 3-15mObserved Timing: Anytime クツワハゼ属の分類ちょっとよくわからないので、とりあえず。あとで見直す。
Istigobius rigilius – マダラカザリハゼ
Scientific Name: Istigobius rigiliusEnglish Name: Rigilius gobyObserved in: Pulau Hantu & Sentosa, SingaporeObserved Water Depth: Around 3-15mObserved Timing: Anytime If you find around 5cm sized goby, crawling on the bottom of the sea, thenI would say it can be Istigobius rigilius in more than 80% probability. Very common. 当地における超普通種。とりあえずカメラの設定をこいつを撮ってみて調整することが多い。