Scientific Name: Cephalopholis boenakEnglish Name: Chocolate hindObserved in: Pulau Hantu, SingaporeObserved Water Depth: Around 10-15mObserved Timing: May-23 白い通った鼻筋が特徴的です。図鑑を検索するも検討がつかず、ChatGPTに幼魚のころには額を通る白い線があるハタ科の魚類のリストを挙げさせてみるも、見当違いの回答ばかり。。あきらめかけていたところ、鈴木さんの魚図鑑があることを思い出し、ぱらぱらとめくってみると見事にヒットした。素晴らしい図鑑です。 The distinctive feature is the white line that runs through the nose. Despite searching through field guides, I couldn’t come to a conclusion. I tried asking ChatGPT for a list of fish species in the grouper family that have a white line running across their foreheads when they are young, but the answers were way off. Just as I was about to give up, I remembered Suzuki’s fish field guide, and when I flipped through it, I found a perfect match. It’s an excellent guidebook.