Scientific Name: Centrogenys vaigiensisEnglish Name: False scorpionfishObserved in: Pulau Hantu, SingaporeObserved Water Depth: Around 10-15mObserved Timing: Dec-21, Mar-22, Oct-22 オニというにはかわいい顔つきであるし、ハタというのにハタ科ではない。フサカサゴに擬態している、オニハタ科の種だ。英名を直訳すればニセカサゴなので、そっちの名前のほうがしっくりくる。そういえば、シンガポールの海でカサゴを全く見ていないな。どこかにはいるのだろうけれど。。 Though it is called Oni-Hata in Japanese, Demon Grouper, it has an adorable appearance and it’s not a grouper in the true sense. It belongs to the Centrogenyidae family indeed. It mimics the appearance of a scorpion fish. In this regard English name is much better than Japanese one to explain the guy. Come to think of it, I haven’t seen any scorpionfish in Singapore’s sea. They must be somewhere, though..