Scientific Name: Geokichla sibirica
English Name: Siberian Thrush
Observed in: Dairy Firm Nature Park
Local Status: Uncommon Migrant
Observed Timing: Dec-22
木の上で何かの実を啄んでいたマミジロ。当地では珍しいツグミ科の鳥だ。Dairy FirmのWallace Trailの裏手の方で時折見られている。この場所にはルリコノハドリなどもいるのだけれど、高い木の枝が混み合っているのですごく写真が撮りずらい。
It was pecking at some fruit on top of the tree. Thrush family is a rare in Singapore. It is occasionally seen in the back area of the Wallace Trail at Dairy Firm. In this location, there are also species like the Blue-winged Leafbird, but the dense branches of the tall trees make it quite challenging to take photographs.