Scientific Name: Hemixos cinereus
English Name: Cinereous Bulbul
Observed in: Dairy Firm Nature Park
Local Status: Rare non-breeding visitor
Observed Timing: Feb-22

キムネビタキがDairy Firmに出ていたその日、ほど近くにある有名な木に現れたのが当種ハイイロヒヨドリ。その後、キムネビタキには何回か出会っているが、当種をシンガポールで見たのはこれっきり。
国外ではMalaysiaのFraser’s Hillの中腹で見かけた。Dairy Firmの近くにはシンガポール最高峰164mのBukit Timahがあるためか、比較的標高の高い場所を好む種が現れることがある。

When the Green-backed Flycatcher was at the Dairy Firm, this bulbul also appeared nearby. Since then, I have encountered the Green-backed Flycatcher several times, but this is the only time I have seen the Cinereous Bulbul in Singapore. Outside of the country, I saw it halfway up Fraser’s Hill in Malaysia. Perhaps because Bukit Timah, the highest peak in Singapore at 164m, is located near the Dairy Firm, some species that prefer relatively high altitudes often appear there.