Scientific Name: Dicaeum trigonostigma
English Name: Orange-bellied Flowerpecker
Observed in: Central Catchment, Dairy Firm Nature Park
Local Status: Common Resident
Observed Timing: Anytime

高く短く鳴く当地の鳥と言ったらタイヨウチョウ科だが、よりせわしなく鳴き回っているのがハナドリ科の鳥類だ。写真の多くはDairy Firmのマルベリーの木の周辺で撮ったもの。
When it comes to birds that chirp loudly and briefly in this area, they belong to the Sunbird family. However, the birds from the Flowerpecker family can be even more energetic in their chirping and flying around. Many of the photos were taken around Dairy Firm’s mulberry trees.