Scientific Name: Alcedo meninting
English Name: Blue-eared Kingfisher
Observed in: Dairy Firm Nature Park
Local Status: Rare resident
Observed Timing: Anytime

旧牧場であった公園Dairy Firm Nature Parkの一角に現れる青く輝くカワセミ。針の穴を通すかのような草木の茂る、奥まった場所に姿を現す。それゆえ場所取りの争奪戦がすさまじく、レンズの前に突然後頭部が現れたり、肘で押し合いへし合いするような事態に巻き込まれてしまう。なんだかなぁ、、という感じで、それなりの証拠写真しか撮れないでいる。2023年度は別の場所にも当種がよく出現していたので、来シーズンはそちらを狙うことにしたい。

In a corner of Dairy Farm Nature Park, which used to be an old ranch, a brilliantly blue kingfisher appears. It reveals itself in a secluded spot, overgrown with vegetation, almost as if threading a needle. Consequently, a fierce battle for vantage points ensues, and I find myself caught in situations where suddenly only the back of the head appears in front of my lens or people jostle and push each other with their elbows. It’s quite frustrating, and as a result, I can only manage to capture some decent evidence photos.

During the year 2023, this species was frequently spotted in another location as well. Therefore, for the upcoming season, I have decided to aim for that spot instead.